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Posts Tagged ‘gem’

NetBeans, JRuby and Rails 3 – How to make it work (Tutorial)

In on 21/10/2010 at 17:34

The best tutorials derive from the worst experiences. I’m not in any way trying to claim the (or any…) title, BUT, when it comes to NetBeans support for Rails 3 (and someone who wouldn’t just want to create an application without using “Generate…” [errrr… WHAT?]) things can get messy.

So, today, in a need to help some students go through the “Agile Web Development in Rails – Fourth Edition” tutorial, we came across a major issue: NetBeans 6.9.1 (and I guess any NetBeans 6.9 plus, version) allows to Upgrade the JRuby supported Ruby-on-Rails Framework to version 3 (version 3.0.0 or as of today 3.0.1) but impressingly, cannot use the Framework properly.

How would one go about (1) Creating a new Ruby-on-Rails project in Netbeans, (2) Generating a Scaffold, (3) Connecting to an SQLite3 file-based Database (I’ll pass on MySQL for now…) and then (4) Migrating to the current DB Version and (5) Running the Project? Read on…

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